Current Debutantes
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Miss Lindgren is the daughter of Mrs. Victoria C. Lindgren (Victoria T. Cleveland) of New York and Robert K. Lindgren of Sharon, CT, and Nantucket. She was presented at the Infirmary Ball, and attends Bowdoin College. Miss Lindgren is of the third generation of women in her family to debut at the Infirmary Ball. Her maternal grandmother, Nancy Morehead Stone, was presented in 1958; her mother, in 1985. Photo Credit: Miss Lindgren by BACHRACH

Miss Irving is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick F. Irving Jr. (Barbara F. Bloodworth) of Jacksonville, FL. She made her debut at the Florida Yacht Club’s Christmas Ball, and is a student at the University of Virginia.

Miss Vanier is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Vanier (Wick—Jerre Lynn Barber) of Paradise Valley, AZ, and Toluca Lake, CA. She was presented at Paradise Valley’s The Board of Visitors Charity Ball and the Arizona State Society Daughters of the American Revolution Debutante Presentation. Photo Credit: DUKE PHOTOGRAPHY

Miss Lindgren is the daughter of Mrs. Victoria C. Lindgren (Victoria T. Cleveland) of New York and Robert K. Lindgren of Sharon, CT, and Nantucket. She was presented at the Infirmary Ball, and attends Bowdoin College. Miss Lindgren is of the third generation of women in her family to debut at the Infirmary Ball. Her maternal grandmother, Nancy Morehead Stone, was presented in 1958; her mother, in 1985. Photo Credit: Miss Lindgren by BACHRACH